Empowering you to live inspired by freedom

Kinesiology: The Ultimate Guide & FAQ


Stress – We all experience and manage stress on a day to day basis. The way we physically and mentally store stress can have big impacts on our health, happiness and general wellbeing. Kinesiology is here to help! Often people have a number of questions before they book a kinesiology balance. I have answered a few commonly asked questions here to give you a better understanding of what Kinesiology is all about. So if you’ve been told by a professional or a friend to see a Kinesiologist to help manage or resolve your stress or you’re just curious about kinesiology, my ultimate guide is the perfect place to start.

This guide will cover the following topics

What is Kinesiology?
How Does Kinesiology Work?
What Is A Kinesiology Balance?
What Is Muscle Testing?
How Can Kinesiology Help You?
What Will Kinesiology Change?
Could You Or Someone You Care About Benefit From Kinesiology


What Is Kinesiology

Kinesiology is a stress management tool. It helps identify stress in the body, whether emotional, mental, physical, nutritional or energetic. Kinesiology shows us what needs to be done in order to bring the body back into a state of balance. Once the stress is gone the client has the opportunity to have better performance and success in their relationships, career, learning, communication, and even in the body’s physiology.

Kinesiology is a natural healing modality originally developed by Chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart DC., in the early 1960’s. He discovered the relationship between the chinese meridian system and the muscles, organs and glands. Bringing the two together to work in coherence gave us the ability to holistically look at the body, mind and energy system, and see how they interact with each other.

There are many different streams of kinesiology that cover different methods for finding and relieving stresses in the body, both physically and mentally. People are unique and so a one size fits all approach hinders the best possible results.

My focus in clinic is to always have the most effective tools to help clients achieve their desired outcome. This focus, combined with my huge love of learning has led me to complete training in 5 different streams of kinesiology and many more modalities.

Kinesiology is complementary, we do not claim to treat, diagnose or cure. Kinesiology is designed to complement other traditional forms of medicine. What we can do is help people manage stress and if the stress is managed through kinesiology and the client experiences spontaneous healing, then that is a great result.

The Wellness Triangle depicts how our Spiritual, Mental and Physical health are connected to our general wellbeing


How Does Kinesiology Work

The goal of kinesiology is to release stress. The reason why kinesiology is so successful in releasing stress is the combination of muscle testing and kinesiology techniques. Together this powerful pair combine to show where and how to return the whole self to its natural equilibrium. Using these in combination allows us to gain crucial information generally not in the conscious awareness of the client, apply the appropriate kinesiology techniques and allow the activation of release to occur. That’s why kinesiology consistently gets results and works so well. It really is the combination of the two that really allows the whole self to make changes from the inside out!

As humans often our first instinct can be to try attain this equilibrium using our mind. I personally find this to be pretty ineffective due to the mind’s tendency to keep looping the same results based on past experiences. This can be very limiting when someone is wanting to experience something different. The mind is always looking to keep us safe and protected and generally speaking in our comfort zone. Sometimes this is helpful but more often limiting when it’s working from old emotions, old patterns and limiting beliefs.

Emotional triggers are one of the most challenging things for people to rationalise within the mind. This is because an emotional reaction can often be from a past event that has been stored in the brain + body survival response as ‘danger’.  Even though we may not be in fear or danger, trying to rationalise these feelings can often make them worse. Usually this will continue to cycle until we find a solution. Sometimes we can’t find a solution and end up stuck in a repeating cycle. As the days go on dealing with stress becomes too overwhelming and is usually then avoided.


Janette performing Kinesiology tactics on a seated client


People tend to ignore the signs our body is showing us, and as a result we experience an overwhelming amount of emotional or physical pain. The effect of this can be a sense of defeat. This energy can take control of our mind leaving us feeling like the only thing left to do is to withdraw and shut down. When we feel like there is no way to change, to move out of this state of mind or remedy our physical pain, we inevitably end up in this same cycle for a lot longer than we really need to be.

The solution is kinesiology! Emotional triggers are caused by feelings that you aren’t yet able to process mentally and can not be resolved by trying to rationalise them in the mind.  They are emotions and we need to find a solution that supports us emotionally. Kinesiology helps by breaking down the issues one by one. Finding solutions for the imbalances and finding openings to help us break free from that trapped feeling.

Learning through my own personal experiences I discovered it was best to use my body as an indicator. When I began my training as a kinesiologist I started to pay close attention to the messages my body was giving me. Once I started paying attention it showed clear signs of exhaustion, neck pain or sore throat when I needed to slow down, and signs of upbeat extra energy, optimism, elation when the ideal time came along to speed things up! If your body is sending signs like…

Shoulder / Neck pain
Difficulty sleeping
Tight jaw
Brain fog
Hurting your back / back pain
Digestive issues


These all might be the result of something that needs to be looked at underneath the surface.

Once we’ve uncovered how your stress is impacting you, we begin connecting you back to this place in the center of your body that we often disconnect with because of experiencing traumatic events. These events change the way we actually feel about ourselves. Being a human is a process of ever evolving growth and let’s be honest, being human can be really challenging. Being a human disconnected from your souls journey, truth and integrity can be debilitating.


Kinesiology clears stress by

Releasing sabotages
Clearing emotional wounds
Removing the issues that are blocking a person from thriving
Clearing old experiences that have dissolved self esteem
Clearing old family patterns and beliefs that are no longer serving you
Releasing any blocks to healing
Opening you up to receive the abundance that life is offering.


A kinesiologist aims to help you to achieve that absolute sweet spot in life. That feeling when you know you’re in the moment and you feel in balance with yourself and the people around you. When your internal world meets your external in complete harmony. Your heart is open and ready to receive all the great opportunities life presents you. And most importantly you are ready for it!


Janette performing a Kinesiology technique on a client laying down


What Is A Kinesiology Balance

Within the initial appointment we will go through an extensive client history examination to get insight into the way your stress is currently impacting you. Together we will go through an intake form that asks you questions about what your emotional, mental and physical stresses are. We will talk about any past traumatic experiences you’ve been through and discuss the effects these experiences are having on you.

We will uncover your current food choices, water, medication and vitamins use as well as discussing any pain in the physical body and its emotional counterpart. We will delve into what brought you here and what you are hoping to achieve by doing kinesiology balances. Typically there is a reason for booking a session, so we focus on this issue, followed by looking at what it might relate to from the past, and how I can help in the balancing process. If it’s a follow up session we will discuss the changes you’ve experienced from the initial session and then talk about what you’re wanting to focus on in this balance.

The way I work is quite simple. I want to understand where the client wishes to change or improve and make a list of these and I work from this list. If for some reason something is not shifting then I will refer to either a western practitioner or another complimentary modality that may help support along side the kinesiology balances. I am always focused on choosing the best pathway for the client.


Janette performing a an extensive client history examination


Just before the client gets up on the table, I always like to get a quick snapshot prior to beginning the balance. This Includes describing their current mood, rating overall energy and noting any physical pain or tension. This enables us to review at the end of the balance and see what changes have occurred.

When the client gets up on the table I will perform an initial muscle test, alongside a few pre checks to ensure the muscle is responding clearly. I will also be checking if there is any shock in the body. If shock is active in the body it triggers the sympathetic nervous system and prepares the body to fight or flee by delivering an adrenal pumping cocktail of the hormones like estrogen, testosterone and cortisol, as well as the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin which control how we react to stress. Life can get pretty overwhelming if you’re stuck in a state of shock with all these hormones in the driver’s seat. If people are stuck in a state of shock, it can cause an emotional breakdown later on because no one can really function at this level of stress for long periods of time.

Once the client is testing clear of shock, I will check the percentage of ‘Life Energy’ (Chi) in the body. This will indicate a percentage of what Chi is flowing in the system. With focus on balancing any deficiency to get the life energy back to 100%. I will test for how the client is being currently affected by this gap in the Chi. I often find core emotions playing a role, organs, systems being disrupted, mental components like limiting beliefs, suppression, avoidance, surrogation of other people’s energy or emotion and if relevant spiritual components. Once we’ve gathered all the information required, then I will test the best balancing technique to bridge the gap and restore the clients Chi back to 100%.

We repeat this same process for all imbalances we find from this point onward. Gathering information and finding the best technique to release the stress. Some of the techniques include acupuncture points, neurolymphatics and neurovascular points, holding vials, breath work, meditation, essences and tapping/holding master points… just to name a few.

The goal of any Kinesiology balance is always to release stress. Whether it’s physical, emotional, mental or energetic, the overall goal is still the same. The reasoning behind this concept is that when we experience any type of stress it causes effects that in turn create challenges that keep us from moving beyond the issues we experience. A Kinesiology balance allows your kinesiologist to identify these imbalances and work with you to resolve them.


What Is Muscle Testing

Muscle testing is the component of kinesiology that allows us to find where the stress is being held in the body and the original event in which the current stress is linking too. The key as a kinesiologist is to find this crucial information using muscle testing.

A Kinesiologist will use muscle testing as an indicator to see where stress is being held. We test across the body’s crucial areas and systems, most commonly organs, glands and muscles as well as the digestive, reproductive, nervous and immune systems. Muscle testing allows us to let the body indicate which areas need balancing to get better performance.

Think of a train line that has a section closed for track work, the train can not move forward until the section has been fixed and the issue resolved. Once a solution has been found and the works are completed the train can again run as intended. The body works in the same way. Stress causes blockages in the bodys pathways. Once these issues are found and resolved then balance can be restored.

For example muscle testing can measure the levels of stress held in the nervous system. If you ask someone an emotional question like getting them to think of a recent argument they had, generally there will be a physical and energetic change in the person. They might physically feel hot, clench teeth, pupils dilate and they might feel the same emotion of anger/rage they had when the argument happened. We then can use the muscle testing to show the person what organs, systems or structures of the body are being affected by this emotional response. Using this information a kinesiologist can determine the best techniques to help restore balance, such as acupressure points, essences and energy balancing techniques, just to name a few.


Janette using Muscle Testing techniques to find where stress is being held in the body


How Can Kinesiology Help You



With a gentle approach, kinesiology looks at emotions that have been avoided or suppressed. It may feel like a daunting commitment to start dealing with suppressed emotions. Kinesiology is here to support you by helping you to experience emotions without judgement. We do this by assisting you to allow the emotions to release, to gain the awareness required to heal and then help you integrate these new learnings. You can learn how to allow emotion to flow rather than block or stop it. Freedom to feel and witness emotion is gaining the ability to process emotion rather than suppress or avoid it. The power of working on your emotional triggers in kinesiology allows you to feel confident and stable. Learning to master expressing yourself builds confidence, self-worth and a greater connection to loving and accepting who you are as a whole.


Kinesiology can help you to achieve total focus, calmness, clarity, insight and spend less time in your head and more time in the present. Like kinesiology, I think of the mind as a tool, I choose to use it when it’s needed, (which is almost never). It is a learnable skill to calm your mental chatter and if you work on mastering, it will become second nature for you. kinesiology helps you silence your mental chatter.


Often our physical pain can relate to our mental or emotional stress. In my experience physical pain or tension arises acutely when there is avoidance in dealing with stress as it arises. The result can be much worse if not dealt with in a timely manner. Without finding resolution to the stress, acute pain can become chronic. I have seen some pretty mind blowing changes in clients with their physical pain dissolving completely once avoidance has been dealt with head on. When we work through our mental and emotional stress with kinesiology the physical pain generally dissolves without too much focus on the actual pain.


Many people are eager to understand what they need to do to connect more with their soul, mission and purpose. After a kinesiology session where we’ve focused on spiritual development, people often report experiencing more synchronicity, alignment and authenticity as well as a greater sense of community, compassion and empathy. Rather than feeling unsupported or alone, overall they’re feeling more connected to the source.

To understand how to become one with your soul, we firstly need to understand the barriers we’ve put in place. Balance is always found within, a process of allowing ourselves to be more open to believing in ourselves and our personal gut feelings and intuitions.

My life completely changed when I mastered meditation. I stopped needing external validation and started going within for answers. I feel the more we can all do this without criticising self or fear of getting it wrong, we can get it right. The more we connect with our true self, the more we are connected to the collective consciousness and the more we can achieve spiritual balance and life balance.


Janette and client both smiling after a successful Kinesiology Balance


What will Kinesiology change

Kinesiology will change you! It changes the way you think about yourself and your life, how you choose to react and behave as well as the way you choose to support and nurture yourself. The world can be a very lonely place when you aren’t connected to yourself or others. People can feel trapped and secluded. Generally we inflict this on ourselves in order to protect ourself from feeling pain again. It can be a vicious cycle, but you can break free from it when you choose you face your suppressed emotions.

Kinesiology changes the relationship you have with yourself and introduces changes in the way you interact with others. It begins with you being willing to open up and pull out all the ‘stuff’ that you’ve buried so you can start living inspired and free.

Past experiences that are still affecting daily life can make people feel trapped and alone. Kinesiology can change the way you show up in life for yourself and others. It can change self-worth and confidence and the way you interact with yourself, which can change your life. In my experience it changes the way you think about yourself and your life, react and behave. It makes you feel responsible for yourself and accountable for your actions. It has this amazing way of releasing self judgements and the judgments we hold on others. It changes you to be in alignment with expressing the best part of you.


Could You Or Someone You Care About Benefit From Kinesiology

When we are balanced we feel calm, confident, happy and optimistic. We all deserve to feel this way. If you, a loved one, a friend or coworker are experiencing the negative effects of built up stress kinesiology can help you. I wholeheartedly encourage you to share this post with anyone who could benefit from kinesiology or having a greater understanding of this work.


Please leave a comment and share – Thank you!


You can BOOK a kinesiology session Monday to Wednesday’s in my clinic in Crows Nest, Sydney Australia!




About the Author

Janette Harris is a certified Kinesiologist, mentor and the founder of the Sydney based Kinesiology clinic, Inspire Freedom. With over 10 years of experience and extensive qualifications across a range of Kinesiology modalities, Janette is passionate about helping her clients overcome their emotional, mental, physical, nutritional and energetic challenges.